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Designed at the request of Polish Special Forces, the new WildWood camouflage is a fruit of a collaboration between Hyde Definition and Helikon, incorporating all characteristics that make PenCott concealment solutions famous. It utilises tried, tested and broadly applied PenCott technology of in-the-field digital colour sampling and is built on popular GreenZone camouflage. WildWood camo consists of small, medium and large non-linear fractal shapes, with a predominance of brown shades and dried greens. The pattern is optimal for woodland and transitional regions of mostly Central and Eastern Europe, but it offers excellent concealment also wherever the vegetation is drier or slightly toned-down. Further, the combination of mixed and dithered organic micropatterns and complex boundary layers create the illusion of depth which disturbs the shape of the wearer and make the pattern effective at a long, mid and close range regardless whether the wearer is standing, kneeling or lying. Available now at Military 1st online store is a range of products in WildWood camo that can meet the requirements of any hunter, Airsofter or paintball player. Moreover, this advanced and effective camouflage is compatible with GreenZone pattern too and complements it for lush environments. Additionally, it can be used with PenCott BadLands camo for transitional surroundings, PenCott SandStorm pattern for the arid and desert backdrops, and SnowDrift camouflage for the winter landscape.